Friday, January 28, 2011

Ancient Aliens

In my opinion, December 21, 2012, per the Mayan Calendar, is simply the completion of our Galaxy orbit in our Universe. A trip of about 6000 yrs. That's why it doesn't continue, since it, our Galaxy, continues the cycle from the start of this calendar.

Major change in the world seems most likely around the turn of the Jewish Calendar Millenium, our 2242 A.D.

See the following website with "Ancient Aliens" movie and 2 History Channel series...

In 2008, the Pope announced the Catholic Church has accepted that accepting possibility of alien life does not detract from facts of the Bible.

I feel this "knowledge", (aka Adam and Eve), has been thought in past to be possibly dangerous for the world if people decided there was no spiritual realm, afterlife, etc. Since the writings of the Bible are from proven very old tablets, the written word saying we "sleep" in death and will be raised up from that "sleep" far in the future, means this is still true. ;-)


Cam ;-)